Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day One Down…the rest of my life to go!!

Do any of you find yourselves and your day consumed with thoughts of food? Am I the only one? For me, the majority of my day is devoted to that voice in the back of my mind that is in constant motion with thoughts of “I had this many points/calories for breakfast” “I have this many points/calories left for the day” “my next meal should be _______ because it’s this many points/calories” and it just becomes OVERWHELMING. Does it ever end? My goal with this journey is that what I’m doing is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle change. I want to become comfortable enough in the food choices I’m making and the foods I’m consuming to know that I’m choosing the best fuel for my body, my soul, and my mind. Because, if any of you out there are like me, food is much more than just something I do out of necessity. I can look back at times in my life, different emotions, different milestones and celebrations, and remember the food I had that created the entire experience. It’s a comfort thing, it’s an emotional thing, it’s a security blanket. Is that sad? Do any of the rest of you feel that way? I remember the chocolate chip pancakes covered in sliced bananas my husband and I would make on Saturday mornings when we first started dating. For me, that brings back so many memories of our early days together. So see, it’s not just the food, it’s the memory the food surrounds. I’m babbling, I know.

In the last 24 hours I’ve given much thought to how I am going to proceed here on out with the tracking of food—will it be a WW supported idea of counting points or will it be a calorie based idea supported by my addiction-supporting iPhone and it’s wonderful app “LoseIt!”?? So, since some of the people reading this may not be WW followers (especially with the new plan that is delightfully wonderful with its free fruit and what not but rather complicated calculations), I’ve decided to do both. It’d be nice to see the correlation between points and calories anyway as that was the backbone of WW prior to the new PointsPlus program. Fortunately, I have a terrific friend who is prone to spend more of her time wondering what the correlation is between the new plan and calories and she figured out that what the phone app is giving me for calories is right in line with what WW has me consuming as well. So, henceforth, this journey will include both WW points and calories, as to make it easier for anyone that may be trying to make any of these food ideas/recipes work for their goal.

So here is how yesterday broke down:

For breakfast I made myself and my hubby a very delicious protein shake (I’ll include recipes at the end of the post each day) after our morning workout (a 28 minute “sculpting” Power 90 workout compliments of Tony Horton). The shake equated to 6 points (3 for a scoop of whey protein and 3 for a cup of 2% milk with fruit being 0) and 331 calories.

Three or so hours later I was out and about and decided to stop in to one of my favorite places (because as their slogan says: it’s as healthy as you want to be) Doc Greens and created my own salad. I started with Romaine lettuce and added: cucumbers, grapes, red onion, Parmesan cheese, croutons, a hard boiled egg, and craisins, then topped with one scoop of Caesar dressing. I ended up taking out half the croutons they added and the yolk of the egg. I also didn’t eat the pita square they serve with the salad either. The salad came out to 10 points and 483 calories. The calories calculation includes everything, the points calculation is sans fruit and veggies. The reason I love Doc Greens so much is because not only are their salads super yummy (and I can create my own when I’m feeling adventurous but they also have already “created” salads I can choose on days I’m just not sure) but they also have a place on their website that allows you to see all their nutritional information which makes my life so much easier. From building your own salad to browsing through their entire listed menu, you can track every calorie (or any other nutritional information you desire) down to those miniscule yet delicious craisins! Try it out for yourself:

For dinner last night Michael and I were out with his parents to see a concert and went to another of my favorite places-Ru San’s for sushi! I had 3 tuna rolls and 1 tempura cream cheese maki! Can we all say HEAVAN??? That’s where it felt like I was after sushi. Can you tell it’s one of my favorite foods? The tuna rolls equated to 6 points and the cream cheese roll at 6 (because it was tempura) for a total of 12 points and 600 calories.

For snacks to fill in the holes I had fresh fruit which equaled 1 banana yesterday! WW points=0 and calories 90.

For the day that equals 31 points (on the new plan) and 1504 calories-which according to my app is 56 over what I should eat in a day (1448) but I didn’t figure in the workout-so even Steven!

All in all, I think it was a successful first day. My goal the rest of the week is to attempt to eat a more balanced meal in terms of calories (instead of 300 here, 500 there, 600 there) and more of them. Timing wise it worked out to have 4 meals yesterday, but ideally I’d like to be having 5-6 meals each day (and bananas and fruit count as a meal to me).

In closing, I leave you with this thought-one passed along from a dear friend last night via text message and one I intend to focus on: You are beautiful and your body deserves love!” Let the discussions begin!

Protein Shake Recipe (I consumed half of this recipe)

2 scoops vanilla whey protein (we also sometimes use chocolate protein)

2 cups 2% milk

1 cup frozen strawberries

1 cup frozen raspberries

1 banana

**you can mix and match fruits to your likings**

Throw it in a blender and viola!!

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