Monday, January 31, 2011

End of the month but only the beginning of the road

Well, it’s the end of the month. How’s everybody doing with sticking to their resolutions/goals? One month into the new year, have you given up or are you going strong? Have you learned anything about yourself in the last month with regards to the resolutions or goals you set to start the year? Are your goals attainable or out of reach? I ask you all these questions because I asked myself those very same questions this morning. While I didn’t make “resolutions” for the year (because we all know those never last) I did set personal goals for myself. As a recap from Day 1 of the blog, my personal goals are to be physically active several times a week, reach my goal weight and achieve a healthier me, and to love myself for myself! I believe I’m well on my way to making all of those things happen. With the recent addition of “running” to our regimen we are staying physically active SEVERAL days a week. With the help of you guys, I am staying highly motivated through this blog and through my own personal desire to live a healthier lifestyle. I even stopped in the mirror several times this weekend and took time to “love” on me rather than criticize every imperfection.

It’s been a great month and what better way to end it than with the blessing of 2 absolutely BEAUTIFUL days. It afforded the hubby and me the opportunity to get out and enjoy the weather and start on our “road race training” and we were also able to paint our living room. The beautiful weather and the physical activity also called for a “break” for the weekend from food. I didn’t go crazy: I had no soda and tried to make the best possible choices, but with the business and the hustling around to finish the room and to ensure that we enjoyed the outdoors as much as possible the only meals we had prepared at home this weekend was breakfast. While I took a break from being “good” I did track EVERY single bite. I also did several physically active things to counterbalance. We also didn’t eat at a single chain restaurant; I’m standing strong by that decision! All in all, this was a fantastic weekend in the Fox household. How did you take advantage of the weather? The weekend?

To make it even better, Michael and I found a church yesterday that we believe may be “the one.” In our 3 month time frame of being in the new house we have been searching passionately for a new church family. When we moved away from Marietta we left behind some amazing friends and relationships and a wonderful church family. They played such a key role in our lives and while we love and adore those guys so much we knew we had to make a “home” and “family” here, so with sad (but hopeful) hearts we sat out on the search for the new church. We tried several and they just weren’t the right fit. But with the help of the internet we ventured just a few miles from the house and stumbled upon what we believe could be the beginning of a beautiful connection! We even braved it last night and went to a “young couples” gathering hosted by the church, and we were able to meet several wonderful couples. God has been so gracious and loving and has opened so many doors! I know, I know this has nothing to do with food, but in a sense it does because it’s being FED in a whole different way!

As we venture into February are you on the right path to be successful? Do you need to reevaluate your goals? Don’t get discouraged by “bad days” or “screw ups”-it’s like I have to tell myself EVERY DAY…just one day at a time! My biggest mistake in the last 2 years has been getting so overwhelmed and so discouraged by the smallest “slip” and falling completely off the wagon. Don’t get down-just keep moving forward! And believe you me, I’m saying that just as much to myself as I am saying it to you! Until next time: wishing you all, good eats!

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