Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life is just that...a Dance

I've been struggling with whether or not to start a blog for quite sometime. In my head thoughts like: "no one will read it" "what exactly will I post" "it's too much of a time consumption" swim around. However, my conclusion: so what. So, here we go.

This is my first time ever blogging, but I'm doing this for several reasons. First, I'm doing this for me. In the last 3 years (this February) I have been a struggling member of Weight Watchers. I started the February after my wedding in November of 2007 and vowed to go all out. In the beginning I was a rock star at working the plan. I saw great results-47 lbs loss to be exact. However, life happened. Holidays, birthdays, special events and trips got in the way and I would tell myself: "I'll just start over next week." Well, next week turned into next month which turned into next year, which has landed me here. And let's just be honest (well whether you choose to be honest with yourself or not is your choice, but that's what this blog is going to be about-the cold, hard truth, and the accountability that comes with it) how we all too often as women feel about our bodies is (if you are like me) disgust, embarrassment, sometimes self-loathing, and often depressed. Well, no more. The "disgust" train stops here. I have set out on a journey this year to leave all that in the past. Second, I'm doing this for the women in my life that are doing this with me-as a way to share ideas, thoughts, and maybe even a little inspiration.

Instead of creating new years resolutions this year I created goals. In the "personal" category of goals it reads: 1) hit my GOAL weight, 2) love myself for myself, 3) do something physically active at least 4 times a week

So how exactly am I going to put that into action? Simple. I know myself. I know that by myself I don't stand a chance. Knowing that, I have enlisted the help of my family and friends and issued a bit of a challenge. We are doing this together.

To make (1) happen my sister, my mom, my cousin, my sister's mother-in-law, and a friend of mine since High School and I have all decided to work together. We have set little milestones and ways to celebrate each, but trust me, even little victories go along way.

(2) will be a bit more challenging but as (1) and (3) become more habitual (2) will become easier but it goes beyond the physical and becomes an internal thing that I'm working on (so stay tuned for how this plays out).

(3) has become possible through the enlistment of my husband and his love and support. We have been doing power 90 for 2 weeks (just started week three this morning). This is the most consistent I've been with a workout in 2 years. He pushes me and challenges me but best of all loves and supports me. After this week we are going to move to the 3-4 portion of power 90 for another 3 weeks and then jump over to p90x for the duration! I'm sure I'll be posting before and after shots (so stay tuned).

To take it all a step further and the main reason I started this, is that all the ladies that are doing this with me live quite a distance away, so what better way to share our thoughts, food journals, recipes, and ideas (and even our struggles) than through this blog. So, this blog will definitely turn into a place to get ideas but also to share ideas-all ideas, recipes, and thoughts are welcome. Beyond all that, what I hope this blog becomes is a tool of inspiration to not only myself, but to the ladies that are doing this with me and even to anyone else out there reading it. The best part of WW is the knowledge that we are NOT in this alone. Whether it be the tiniest struggle or the largest one, as women, we all struggle with body image somehow-I hope this helps turn that around, even if just a smidge.

Also, I hope that anyone that chooses to follow this holds me to the highest accountability! I hope you enjoy and I look forward to sharing my ideas with you and reading your ideas as well.

To put this post to bed, I leave you with the words of a Garth Brook's song to which I owe the name of this blog...."Life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, don't worry about what you don't's a dance you learn as you go." May we do just that-learn as we go!


  1. That's awesome, Candace. I look forward to hearing all about it, especially the recipes.

  2. Candace,

    So proud of you in this journey that you are taking! As one of the first people that started your WW journey with you, I'm so excited to follow this blog and hope I can share some insight, too. And I hope this blog doesn't stop once you reach all of your goals, because you and I both know that one you are at your goal, maintaining can be just as hard! :)

    Also, everything is possible with the support of friends and family and most importantly God. Not to preach, but I just know that prayer can make the difference :) especially with Goal #2 which is one of my constant goals that I struggle with.

    I love you and I can't wait to see where this blog goes :).


  3. One thing I realized a while ago is that you can't lose weight first and THEN love your body. You have to love your body first and then you can lose weight. When I first discovered this, I was afraid it was just crazy talk and maybe I was being too philosophical and not realistic. But I tried it anyway...and proceeded to lose weight. I forgot to follow my own plan and let myself go and put on some weight...then began to despise my body again.

    Reading your post has reminded me that it's important to love your body no matter what it looks like. After that, losing weight becomes easier. It's really tough, and I know I'll struggle with it, but I'm going to use this time while Shuo is out of the country to learn how to love my body just the way it is. Anyone who reads this may think I'm crazy...but it couldn't hurt, so just try it. Not only will losing weight be easier, but you'll be much happier with yourself starting today...not 20 pounds from now.
