Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One step at a time....One day at a time

Heartbreak. That’s exactly what I felt this morning when I stepped off the scale for my weekly weigh in. I was in pieces-I know a bit over dramatic, but it was so disheartening. I was in disbelief, then shock, then anger, then an emotional wreck, and finally I pulled it together. My scale-I hate that thing by the way-reported to me that I was up 5 lbs this morning. How is that possible? I was COMPLETELY within my points last week. Then it dawned on me. While the beginning of my week last week was good, the end of my week (mainly Friday-Monday) wasn’t so grand. I consumed pasta, Mexican food, French fries, and desserts; all things I haven’t really been consuming in the last 4 weeks. On top of that, each of those meals were larger portions than the other meals I’ve been having lately. To take it a step further-as a friend so kindly pointed out to me this morning in my “calming down” mode-each weekend day I had 2 larger meals and no snacks. Definitely not the plan I’d been following the previous 4 weeks. Anywho, after my initial emo attack I pulled it together and realized I have a lot to celebrate-regardless of what that damn scale says! I shaved 10 seconds off my mile time this weekend. I have been active 4-5 days each week (way more consistency with workouts than I’ve seen in the last 3 years combined). I’m losing inches all over my body (I measured at the beginning of this journey and use those measurements as non-scale victories). I’m already in better shape (I didn’t say good shape, just better than I was). So, I’m going to hold my chin high, put one foot in front of the other and just keep walking the other direction.

So many times in the past-with my numerous attempts at WW-I would have taken a weigh-in like this mornings and created an excuse: “I’ll start over next week,” “well I’m already up I’ll just keep having whatever I want,” “I don’t need to keep exercising because I’m not seeing any weight results.” We’ve all been there, right? When the scale isn’t the one reporting the good news to us we get discouraged. We think our efforts and for nothing. If you are like me, you give up. Well, thank goodness I’ve already started created healthier habits in my life because I’m not going to allow this minor setback to derail my goals. As a friend told me this morning, “who gives a crap about 5 lbs.” Well, honestly I do, hence the near emotional breakdown this morning, but I’m certainly not going to let it affect me in a negative way.

In fact, I’ve already been through my journal for the last 4 weeks and made some very heavy mental notes regarding my food choices in the previous weeks vs. last week. I’ve gone for my run and done Power 90 sculpt (all without the hubby because he’s hurt). I’ve made up my mind that this is going to be a morning that I look back on and laugh about. Have you had an obstacle thrown in your path? How’d you overcome it? Did you give up or keep moving forward? It’s way easier said than done but-ONE DAY AT A TIME.

I just have to add that I’m the luckiest girl ever. I have some of the best girl friends ever. This morning I was able to talk through my weigh in, my reasonings for the not so great outcome, get some ideas, and have a sounding board that in the end was the best part of my day all because I have such sweet, amazing, supportive friends. I would be so lost on this journey without you girls-and all your support! You are definitely keeping me in high spirits and uplifted. I know it seems like every time I turn around I’m posting another thanks, but truly where would we be without the love and support of our friends (and family)? They understand our hearts, our secret thoughts, our desires, and they even know when we are being melodramatic and ridiculous-if you don’t have a support system like this (not just for this journey but for LIFE) I seriously suggest your reevaluate some stuff and get some. Until tomorrow: good eats!

Tuesday Food Breakdown:

Breakfast was an English muffin (3) with butter (2).

Snacks today included a banana, strawberries, and baby carrots with tzatziki dip (2).

Lunch was another 2 c of that delicious homemade veggie soup for (3.5 points).

Dinner included a BBQ recipe- I got from one of those dear friends (which she posted on her blog www.fairytalltales.wordpress.com) –that called for the meat to sit in the crockpot on low all day while I was at work and required little other work from me. Definitely check out her blog-and her recipe. To go with it I made broccoli and rice and a batch of my mom’s homemade BBQ sauce that added an entirely different dimension to the goodness of the meat. So I had ¾ of a c of meat for 7 points, ¾ c of rice for 3.5 points, and broccoli for 0.

Dessert was a cookie creation I made Sunday night (recipe to come soon) with a touch of ice cream. Dessert also brought with it the conversation telling my husband to take the cookies to work or they’d find their way to the trash can-or the freezer! Desserts total was 9 points.

With the 9 points for dessert it put me at a total for the day of 30 points using 1 extra point from my weekly points (I’m reverting back to my old ways-extra points get used within 2 days of weigh-in or don’t get used at all; it’s just a better option for weighing in).

1 comment:

  1. I know that WW is anti-multiple weight-ins in one week, but this week, I say try it out. As long as what the scale says does not become an obsession, there is no harm in weighing in 2 or 3 times a week. I do it out of curiosity and to have a better understanding of how I fluxuate within a week. You can weigh in tomorrow (Thursday) to see if you had a one morning fluke or if your Friday-Monday eating habits truly had a consequence. Either way, you will be more informed and better equipped to move forward. Sure, there's virtue in patiently waiting until next Tuesday, but sometimes you just need to know.

    I'm going to stop posting my day-to-day food unless you still want to see it. I was even yesterday and still haven't made up my 8-point underage day from Monday. I worked out with my trainer on Monday and did the ab ripper 200 yesterday. Long cardio day today. :) I love you!
