Friday, February 18, 2011

Where has my motivation train gone?

I think the motivation train has left the station temporarily. At least the exercise one anyway. Last weekend Michael played Frisbee for the first time in quite a while. Sadly it didn’t end well for his hamstring. Since his injury I have run twice, I’ve done a run/walk, and 2 Power 90 workouts. However, the last 2 days after getting home from work have equated to just hanging out. The part that sucks is that the weather has been so amazing. I want to get out and run, I want to get out and ride bikes, I want to go for a hike but somewhere in my mind I seem to only want to do those things with the hubby-not alone. How do you find the motivation to stick with your exercise routine when you are doing them alone?

Beyond my lack of motivation for exercise I have been lacking the motivation to cook this week too. Thankfully Monday and Tuesday we used the crockpot and had 2 delicious meals. However, Wednesday and Thursday were quite different. We were supposed to have steak stir fry for dinner last night but I-in the midst of my crazy work day yesterday-somehow managed to skip lunch and when I got home at 5:15 I was starving. I tried to snack but by 6:15 eating dinner was unavoidable and seeing as the steak was still frozen I opted for the simple option of leftover chicken casserole. Why do I not want to cook this week? Did the crockpot spoil me? Am I that exhausted from work(mentally, obviously not physically)? Did Tuesday’s weigh in have that much of a negative affect on me? Shouldn’t that have worked in the opposite way-bad weigh in=extra motivation to cook healthier and exercise more? (On the positive side of Tuesday’s ugliness, I took my measurements this morning-I needed a pick me up-and while the scale is definitely not being my friend this week I’m still seeing smaller numbers with body measurements. Scale be damned.)

How can I get back in my groove? I’ve decided the only way to do it is by sheer force-that’s right, I’m going to just power through it. This weekend-with it’s sunshine, warm temps, and lack of work-will be filled with outdoor activities, movement and exercise, and cooking. What better way to get back on the train than just jumping on it? I have to keep reminding myself: no one else is going to make these changes for me, I have to make them for myself! I can’t ride on Michael’s coat tails to find my motivation for exercising-I have to do it without him.

This weekend is going to be beautiful, so get out there and enjoy the sunshine and the spring like temps! Until tomorrow (because the hubby and I are meeting for drinks tonight I think): good eats!

Thursday Food Break Down:

Breakfast was a piece of beer bread (leftover from the previous night’s dinner) for 5 points spread with butter for 2.

Somewhere in the middle of the morning I had a banana.

Lunch seemed to drift away from me and around 2 I had some pineapple and a pack of crackers (5).

When I got home I snacked on beer bread (it was the only thing in sight and I was ravenous) for 12 points-TERRIBLE.

Dinner was leftover chicken casserole and a ginger ale float for a treat afterwards for a total of 18 points.

Later in the evening I had another piece of beer bread (skipping lunch is NOT my friend) and ended up using 20extra points for the day leaving me with 4 going into the weekend where (as I already reported) I’m looking forward to sticking to only my daily points as I head into next week’s weigh in.

1 comment:

  1. I just got a crockpot and tried my first meal in it, but it was not easy. Do you have any easy crockpot recipes? Email them to me!
